Wednesday 7 March 2012

Outside time is great!

Hills, yes we do big gear 12 up out of the saddle but holy !!!! Nothing like peddling your guts out up a big hill!
Head winds! I had a huge one coming back today !!! I was down in the small kid gear just spinning to save my life.
Pot holes !!! There is lots of them some were big enough to do some serious damage !
Cars!!! Yes I guess they are not used to see cyclists out much yet because I almost bit the dust today!
Exhaust ! Yes I could really notice that today just the stink from the cars we are not used to in the gym !! It was hard to get used too!
Sand and small stones on the road!can make u hit the ground to!
Lots of new things to watch for when you get outside !!!!
Have a great day

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