Friday 14 September 2012

The second part of my race


So on my bike I get ! Ready to go feeling good and everyone is passing me but I had a plan and I stuck with it ! Just like my training !!!! I was going to ride exactly like I trained ! Slow and steady up to the 45 km marker then I'd pick it up !
So I passed the 45 km marker and proceeded to turn on the engines but the only people I passed were the people that some of the weaker people that didn't have the strength to push hard on the flattest part of the course!
I witnessed a couple crashes one was serious for the rider the other was serious for the bike, other than that it was the only crashes I had seen !
I was feeling real good at the 60 km mark but was trying to decide if I had enough liquids to make the rest of the bike !
I arrived at the aid 2nd aid station after only taking food at the first one and sticking it in my bike for emergency I decided to take on some water and more food.
I still had 24 km left to ride and half marathon to complete !
I was just about to just into the hardest part of the course and the athlete in front of me lost their water as I passed I noticed it was their only bottle and I quickly thought, do I have enough? So I offered up the water bottle and they took it, why did I put my race in jeopardy ?
I don't think I did because I had lots of water !
After thinking about it I could have been disqualified for helping another athlete !
So I finished the hardest part of the course and rolled into transition !

Here is a pic of me drinking on the bike

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