Thursday, 27 September 2012

Almost ready !

So I think it's near time !
I'm going to get things under way starting this weekend I probably won't have my meal plan ready but I'm going with no junk 1 coffee and fruits veggies and meat ! It will be a difficult time the first couple weeks but after the initial blast of healthy food it will work itself out!
I'm also excited to get to the gym and do my weights !! Core core core is my focus !

Have a great day

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

First workout

Last night I did a 20 km bike !
Man have I put on a couple lbs ! Tomorrow it's a run or any kind of run/walk combo ! I have found over the last two weeks how important a break is !!! I've been able to almost live like a normal human, or as close to that as I possibly can !
Thanks for bearing through this awful extended break with me ! Im going to get things going soon in the weight room and work on my run !

Monday, 24 September 2012

One good thing

After completing my half ironman I have learned that if you put the effort in you can accomplish anything so when the going gets tough you just work harder !
Over the summer things made sense to me training hard for my event gave me the fire to keep going ! Today not so much just having trouble getting into it! I'm sure it will come I just need to light the fire again !
I will keep it going focus and keep a forward motion that's how I raced and how I will get through this plateau !

Sunday, 23 September 2012

New season

Thinking ahead to next season, the first race on June 23 2013 in Syracuse New York! It's about 5 hours away and not nearly as hilly as muskoka 70.3 which I have another date with next year also!
I decided to think like my friend Liz who just attacked the race with the sole intention of a healthy happy finish which both of us had ! Other than the 2 weeks of down time I had I was feeling not to bad !
But right now I'm starting to miss the training and the feeling I get when I'm training!!!!
Monday I'm starting with a nice leisurely 20 km ride then a easy 6 km run on Tuesday !

Have a great week !

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Time to change

It's been a fun month ! That theory of "eat what ever I want" or better yet "eat what ever I can" has taken its last weekend !
Jumped on the scales this morning and I don't even want to tell what it was !
I almost freaked ! But I sure needed the vacation from training, but I could have kept eating right !!!!
The eating part derailed long before the race ended, I blame that on lack of planning, with the increase of training I had no time to meal plan and that's not going to happen again. I have 38 weeks till Syracuse 70.3 so I better get my ass in gear ! I'm going to start right from the start as if I'm a big super fatty again.
I lost sight of my goal of fitness and weight loss and I'm not going to loose sight again !
Being addicted to food is like a drug ! Only it's legal and it's all around me ! You can't stop eating, but there has to be a way, two whole summers of training and thing still are un changed i figured id be 220 by now !
I know there will be some discomfort involved with the transition to eating clean again but it needs to be done, about two weeks and the withdrawal symptoms should be disappeared they are strong symptoms and you have to be tough to beat them !!!
I hope triathlon has made me s little stronger to beat it this time !

Friday, 21 September 2012

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Still off

Still haven't laced a shoe, turned a wheel, lifted a weight or swam a stroke. I feel like I'm getting fatter and fatter by the minute, this weekend will be the start of my winter off-season training I have a big season coming up next year and I want to make sure it's a successful one just like this year. The Syracuse 70.3 will be a fun race with plenty of my triathlon buddies joining, I'm hoping my brother-in-law will join me on the 70.3 next summer !!! I'm going to attempt to Muskoka one as well as Syracuse 70.3 Id like to teach the Muskoka course a lesson and trying get my 45 minutes back I lost on my run.
Some times it's good to change things up a little and I defiantly need to change something since my weight loss was non existent this summer. !
The long road continues !! From fat to thin my road to ironman !

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Big plans under way

The wheels are in motion ! Looks like Syracuse 70.3 in June then muskoka 70.3 in September unless the muskoka course gets the ironman Canada next year like they are planning !

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Still thinking about my race

The last couple weeks has been a blur, for most the start of their weeks are Monday ! Well mine are Wednesday!!!!
That is the furthest day away from Tuesday my methotrexate day, although I feel like crap on the Wednesday I know it only gets better from here !
This week is exceptionally difficult due to a full week of health and safety training, it's like watching a pot boil and as about as exciting as the dentist, the teacher is pretty good he ads as much excitement as possible but I think he even knows it sucks!
I spent some time today thinking about my race and the finish time of 8:10 which is good I guess for me the heaviest triathlete there ! I really figured 7:41 and I know exactly where I messed up ! I really wanted to run faster but I didn't and now it's starting to bug me !
I don't think I pushed hard enough, my one mistake was setting my watch for the 8:44 I knew I could walk it in and that's what I did near the end ! I even stopped to read a plaque on the way lol I think I may have said that already but it is what it is!
Weight loss is my primary goal again this off season but it will happen this time !!!

Monday, 17 September 2012

Safety training

For one week ! Omg this is going to be wild !
Still trying to decide what to do for the off season. !
Maybe one more week off then back at it !
Need to start thinking about next season, from the looks o things its going to be Syracuse 70.3 and muskoka 70.3 !! But why the same race you say? Well I really want to have a bit of a word with the run section of this course ! I don't think that I gave it the punch I needed to!
I kept watching my watch and I had plenty of time to finish so I coasted!
I even stopped once to read a plaque on a tree lol !
So next year I'm gonna give it hell!

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Think about the future !

I guess it's time to think about my future !
At what point do I need to take a break and concentrate on what I need to do !
I have no interest on getting on the bike, doing any kind of run or going near a pool to do anything other than float around !
I totally agree my body needs to rest but wow when does the excitement come back ?
I need to focus on weight loss and cardio that's my first plan and what I need to do !
I can't do another season fat !
So the battle begins again ! :)

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Week off

Also I decided to take a week off triathlon !
Yay free time today !

The run !

I was very happy with my run ! The only part I'm not to pleased with was when I got tired I walked ! That was the point that I should have kept going !
My feet were fine I was just tired !
But yes I did finish and was able to finish strong !!!
I ran faster than I ever thought I could at the end of the race !
I was fortunate they had lots of food and fluids out on the run portion of the course !

Friday, 14 September 2012

The second part of my race


So on my bike I get ! Ready to go feeling good and everyone is passing me but I had a plan and I stuck with it ! Just like my training !!!! I was going to ride exactly like I trained ! Slow and steady up to the 45 km marker then I'd pick it up !
So I passed the 45 km marker and proceeded to turn on the engines but the only people I passed were the people that some of the weaker people that didn't have the strength to push hard on the flattest part of the course!
I witnessed a couple crashes one was serious for the rider the other was serious for the bike, other than that it was the only crashes I had seen !
I was feeling real good at the 60 km mark but was trying to decide if I had enough liquids to make the rest of the bike !
I arrived at the aid 2nd aid station after only taking food at the first one and sticking it in my bike for emergency I decided to take on some water and more food.
I still had 24 km left to ride and half marathon to complete !
I was just about to just into the hardest part of the course and the athlete in front of me lost their water as I passed I noticed it was their only bottle and I quickly thought, do I have enough? So I offered up the water bottle and they took it, why did I put my race in jeopardy ?
I don't think I did because I had lots of water !
After thinking about it I could have been disqualified for helping another athlete !
So I finished the hardest part of the course and rolled into transition !

Here is a pic of me drinking on the bike

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Very long week !

So the end of the week approaches and still very tired ! I have not trained at all this week due to my body still being angry at me ! My week long holiday leading into my 70.3 ironman was one of the best times i have ever had! I was able to spend the week with my family and topped it off with my race!
Now about my race ! My race morning started early !!! About 400 am because of the excitement of race day !
One mistake I made was the amount of walking and lack of sleep the two days before ! Our condo was about 2.5 km from the main building and transition so the day before with athletes meetings and taking my bike to transition along with mindless wandering due to nerves was about a 12 to 14 km walking day in the poring rain and cold temps!
The night before the race I was so tired I slept pretty good but not long enough and awoke race day feeling not bad !
Race morning I was almost the first to transition and stayed there most of the morning fiddling with my stuff ! My coach came by to check on me and talked to me calming me down greatly it actually felt like just a training day with him close by ! I absolutely knew I could do the distance in the allotted time I just had to do the work !
I finished setting up my transition and after the 100 th time checking it over I felt it was time to go to the swim start !
I put an old pair of shoes at the swim exit due to the long walk/run up the hill to transition ! Then we proceeded over to the swim start ! The mood of the athletes was nervousness for most and I heard lots of talk of first time for lots of folks but me I wasn't nervous at all ! I had biked it twice and had no trouble running it from my success over the last few weeks of long runs!
I put my wetsuit on and got in line with my wave of 40 to 44 year old green caps !
Down into the lake we went and filtered into the water ! The bottom of the lake was terrible squishy with tons of weeds so I went deeper and just floated waiting for the horn !
When the horn blew I waited for a second for the guys to get going and started to swim ! I was looking for a pair of feet to draft but couldn't find any that we're going strait most were swimming more sideways than strait so I kept looking, we rounded the first floaty and started swimming across the lake and still I hadn't found anyone to draft yet ! As I rounded the next floaty heading down the lake I noticed most of the athletes were making a wide sweep ! I thought I was in the wrong spot because I was the only one bit I kept going
It was a good thing I did because they all went way out of their way !
I felt someone on my toes so I just kept my pace up then about half way down the lake I turned it up a little and brought my heart rate up to 165 then backed out of it a little when I was in the home stretch ! As I climbed up the steps I was very mixed up and kind of standing there for a second and I herd Erin's voice yelling go go go then I went over to the peelers to get my wetsuit off I got up and was looking for my shoes still very confused I then herd erin yell again your shoes are over here so I slipped them on to run up and I could hear my moms voice saying are you ok ? But I couldn't seem to speak !
Up the long hill to transition I ran !

This is a long story so I will brake it up in parts !

More tomorrow !

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

One more recovery day

I'm very sore still and very tired !
I'm giving my body and my Mind a break !

Monday, 10 September 2012

Down day

Still just completely worn out after my race !
I'll have a full recap and pictures hopefully tomorrow !
Today it's hard to walk ! Every step is killing me !
But it's all worth it !

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Finished !

Race day

Ironman Muskoka 70.3 is finally here !!!! I'd like to thank everyone who got me here !!! I know it's been difficult at times !! :)

You have all held up your end of the bargain and worked very hard to get me here now it's my job to finish this off!

Thanks to my family, friends, and everyone who played a part in this special day !!!

I guess it's time to go racing !!!!!!

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Ready to race

So this is it ! Set my alarm for 445 am eat breakfast by 515 am 3 waffles 1 coffee and about 10 macaroons !
I know I know chocolate for breakfast !
But try to keep 270 lbs going hard for 7 hours and 41 minutes !
I will try to put up to the minute posts tomorrow if my daughter can figure this out !
Anyways here we go my next step to ironman !

Day before race day

So it's 345 am and I can't sleep ! GREAT:(
I'm not going to worry about it because I can still nap today and hope to get a good sleep the tonight before the big day !
So 24 hours from now I'll be standing at the start line ready to put all this training to use !
After all the hours I put in its finally time ! The way I see it unfolding is like this "IT'S NOT GOING TO BE PRETY " the swim will go as normal!! The only problem I have is the large number of others in the water at the same time but after the first 400 m of thrashing around it should have worked itself out to be a normal lake swim for myself.
Then I am totally expecting to see some of the wave ahead of me on the swim before I get out ! But you never know with this sport !
I'm not sure yet if I'm going to use the wetsuit strippers or not !! With the cold temps it might be better to run up warm and dry off instead of running up cold this all will be a game day decision.
The run up the hill to transition is a difficult one !!! I'm going to leave a pair of shoes on the green to run up the hill in to save my delicate feet !!! I'm not sure how much they are going to like me tomorrow so I better be nice to them.
I'm going to start the bike with all my gear on, I'm just trying to decide what I will wear for a top because want to run in my DRTC tri suit so I will for sure have it on under anything I ride in !
I'm not expecting any trouble on the bike at all, maybe just some minor fatigue !
Then my nemesis !!!! The run !!!!!!
I'm expecting a good run, but slow nothing fancy I'm just going to get out there and run !
I'm expecting 3 hours and 15 minutes but you never know my run keeps getting faster over the last few weeks !
At the end of the race I'm going to have some chips and dip along with a cold Budweiser tall can !

So I better try to sleep again !! If not I'll be back !

Friday, 7 September 2012

Ironman 70.3

Here we go ! Arrived at the race al registered for Sunday !

Thursday, 6 September 2012

My last workout before my big race

Last workout before my Muskoka 70.3 Ironman!
Remarkably I made it through my swim in the pool with ease! I expected some pain In my shoulders because without my wetsuit on I'm that much deeper in the water !
My first few laps were bad I thought for sure I was in trouble but as my workout progressed it started to get much better!
Today is packing day! Check and clean my bike get all my gear out and check it over, clean and pack the truck then rest
The big day is near

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

It's all over but the crying

All I have left is a 1500 m swim tomorrow then that's it ! Two days of rest then it's on !
A full year of training for 7 hours and 41 minutes of excitement ! At least that's my plan
I hope it goes well ! Coach Paul told me to just let it come out ! and that's what I'm going to do ! I'm still going with my original plan of pace pace pace then let the horses out at the end of the run.
The amount of support that's going to be there is going to be incredible many many people will be on site to watch this amazing day unfold!
Tomorrow will be packing and checking things over then out the door early Friday morning to head to Deerhurst resort !
I'm a little sad my wife didn't get get dream vacation this year because she's been so busy keeping me in check for this race ! Her and my kids have had a hell of a job !
But it's soon going to be over !
I hope to have race day posts available on my blog site if my daughter can figure this out for me !

Have a great night

Tuesday, 4 September 2012


So this morning while surfing the web i came across a tri forum and this was one of the posts from a topic " why are so many triathletes fat"

I'd love to meet this person who posted this !

Re: Why are so many triathletes fat?

[omoore61] [In reply to] Quote | Reply
I think calling a lot of people that i see training or racing "triATHLETES" is pretty generous, i usually refer to them as people who do triathlons.

Meeting coach

Have a meeting with coach Paul today I have a couple race questions and a couple next season questions then a little bit of running around to do for the week.
I have a 20 km ride to do today sometime then I'm going to stretch really good and rest! Oh and hydrate also !
I have a bit of a head cold that I hope doesn't get any bigger ! I sat in the hot tub at pine vista and that's my big mistake ! I think hot tubs are full peoples germs !!! But anyway I hope it's a short one !
The kids first day of school !! Good luck kids!

Monday, 3 September 2012

6 more days

So here I am sitting on the shores of Stoney lake thinking about my 70.3 ironman and how to go about it! All my planning, advice from friends, and training should have me ready ! I need to trust that it's done it's part and now I have to do mine!
Everyone that's had their hand in my 70.3 race has completed their end of the bargain except me! I need to race !
I can see in my wife's and family's eyes that they are at the end of their triathlon training and I think they're glad because getting an athlete to the finish line is a team event but it's just the athlete that has to race!
My wife Erin is an complete solid rock for me and keeps me going even though she is completely worn out I know that without her this wouldn't be possible ! For dealing with my worn out moods to preparing training meals to driving me here and there also doing everything around the house !
My oldest daughter Jenna is a splitting image of her mother always putting me and my triathlon ahead of everything else and doing everything needed for me to complete my goal!
My second oldest daughter Abbey really came to bat over the last couple months and I'm so very proud of her for watching her brother and taking care of things on the nights Erin and I were completely exhausted ! It's nice to know that you have back up in your corner!
My youngest Jeff JR is the one I feel sorry for and doesn't really understand what I'm doing, I think he just thinks I have no time for him and I see it in his eyes!
I have a huge pile of "make up" after this is over ! But I'm so thankful to have a solid team like "TEAM DRINKLE" behind me!
I was sitting here on the shores of Stoney lake this morning thinking of all the people responsible to get me here and the list is lengthy !
My coach Paul Johnson of "Team Iron Motivation and all the experienced athletes on the team have done a huge amount in getting me here !
My friends played a huge role also putting up with my triathlon filled brain they must be real sick of hearing about it, it's also hard for them to comprehend the whole idea ! It's tough for anyone that doesn't do this sport !
I have another group of friends that have alot to do with my success ! My tri buddies who answer many questions and always have great things to say to help me along this incredible path! I thank all of them !

This week is an important week of rest and hydration for me !
Have a great day !

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Sunday morning 10 km taper

So today I had the most amazing run 10 km in 1 hr and 15 minutes I kept the same pace up for the whole thing with no walking!
So here is my run race plan!

I want to have my second half of my half marathon at a faster pace than my first half ! The same as my bike but I know that will happen because of my 45 km rule ! (after 45 or so km my body just lights on fire) so the bike part is taken care of !
Then onto the run ! I just have to not get caught up in the race excitement and just run my own race !
So I'm adjusting my times to suit my current pace !
46 minutes for the swim
3:45 minutes bike
2:55 minutes run
5:00 minutes T1
5:00 minutes T2

5 minutes run up to T1

That equals 7hrs and 41minutes!

That is my goal !
Any faster and I will be happy
And as long as I just finish if things go extremely bad I will be happy!

I am right on track to having a successful ironman 70.3!

My regrets? Yes I have some !
This is my second season and I have stayed at the same weight as i was at the beginning of the season !

My next years goal ! 220 lbs! Or a lower body fat %

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Pine vista resort

Taper =

Trouble sleeping

I'm not sure if it's the upcoming race or the medication or just life itself but lately I've been having trouble sleeping!
I'm tired lying here typing away but can't seem to fall asleep !
I will give it one more try then I'm getting up and starting my day !