Thursday 9 May 2013

Thoughts about my full Ironman

So I've talked to lots of Ironman athletes, and yes I'm a tiny bit nervous, Ironman training is very demanding as is race day, but I'm thinking the whole year leading up to it might be the overwhelming part.

 I'm working on my training plan for next year and I'd like to have it completed, at least the outer shell by next month.
I'm going to use a 38 week plan for my full ironman training, I know some people use 20 some 13, but for me I'm going to use 36. Why 38 you ask? Well I'm having 2 weeks of easy work back into it training followed by 22 weeks of winter off season training, capped off with 12 weeks of competitive training, then 2 weeks of taper.

From my tiny bit of experience, listening to ironman friends and being coached for two years along with attending my coaches clinic for two days I know I can pull this one off. 

I'm using my Syracuse 70.3 Ironman race as my "A" race in June then train for my bike race in July, then follow it up with a fun Muskoka 70.3 Ironman with my sister-in-law. After that I'm taking two weeks off then hitting the gym for cardio and weight training with no running till November to save my joints.

Then we have weight loss !!! What the heck am I going to do about that? Food to me is like a drug, very hard to isolate the issue but I'm close! More organization and planning is required to have food available at the right times to avoid snacking on junk.

Have a great day !! More excitement to come 

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